The electronic and electrical architecture of vehicles is becoming increasingly complex, and the safety requirements for automotive electronics are also rising. To meet the safety demands of vehicles, functional safety is gaining more and more attention. In recent years, the industry has referred to the ISO 26262 standard for functional safety; and for the safety architecture of software frameworks, it has referred to the E-GAS layered approach. The Infineon TLF35584 is suitable for the selected applications and complies with these application standards, and in the electronic and electrical systems, it is designed and developed as a SEooC (Safety Element out of Context).
As an SBC (System Basis Chip) for an MCU (Microcontroller Unit) of a specific ASIL-x level, it serves as a power supply and timing monitoring system. According to ISO 26262-5(2011) Clause 8, two metrics are introduced: Single-point fault metric (measuring the occurrence of single faults) and Latent-fault metric (measuring the occurrence of faults that are not immediately apparent). The requirements for different ASIL levels and fault failure analysis methods all demand that the single-point fault metric and latent fault metric meet the corresponding ASIL-x level standards.
Ø Can be integrated as a complex driver into AUTOSAR.
Ø Can be integrated into non-AUTOSAR software architectures, with flexible adaptation.
Ø High scalability: Each module is configurable to meet different customer requirements.
Ø High safety: Supports multi-core self-testing, and when paired with ZC Technology's TLF35584Lib, it can meet the requirements up to ASIL-D.
ZC Technology's TLF35584Lib offers two watchdog configuration mechanisms:
l External Watchdog: The TLF35584 Functional-Watchdog serves as an External Watchdog to perform Logic Supervision and Temporal Supervision of the MCU main control chip's program operation.
l Internal Safety Watchdog with External Window Watchdog: The MCU main control chip's Internal Safety WDTs (Watchdog Timers) carry out Logic Supervision of the program operation, while the External TLF35584 Window-Watchdog provides coverage for Temporal Supervision of the program execution.
For domestic customers using an AUTOSAR OS that does not meet the SC3/SC4 requirements, or for interrupt systems with multi-core independent operation in the foreground and background, ZC Technology offers a technical solution that utilizes the TLF35584Lib software library to call and drive the Safe State Control module. This covers two methods of "shutdown path driving" from "multi-core timing monitoring" to the peripheral actuators, significantly enhancing the safety of the controller system.
In the development process of ZhiCong Technology's TLF35584Lib, the requirements of the widely referenced industry E-GAS (version 6.0) three-layer architecture are fully considered, supporting the customer's target project application layer development for the software layering of the basic software library and the modular partitioning of safety levels.
ZC Technology's platform-based foundational software configuration tool, Muniu_v5.1.3, supports the configuration of the TLF35584Lib software library to meet the diverse application needs of different customers. It is also fully compatible with various modules of ZC Technology's Safety Library software library, capable of automatically generating C language code for software integration, enhancing customers' flexible needs for software changes.
As a result, when developing derivative vehicle projects for customer platform ECU products, not only can the development cycle be shortened, but also the best high-reliability software can be obtained with minimal verification and testing.
The ZC.MuNiu functional safety SBC series software is designed to create a platform software product for the System Basis Chip (SBC) that meets customers' functional safety requirements, independently developed by ZC Technology. This manual describes the functional safety application scheme based on Infineon TLF35584, compliance standards, software architecture, programming ideas, and configuration tools, etc., introducing a configurable TLF35584Lib software library product.
This product implements the functions of the SBC end chip TLF35584 (taking the MCU end chip AURIX TC275 as an example), including:
· Configuration of the SPI interface for communication between the SBC (System Basis Chip) and the MCU (Microcontroller Unit);
· Management of multiple power supply outputs;
· Control of the SBC state machine and power-up and power-down management of the MCU;
· Complete diagnostic strategy including internal ABIST (Array Built-In Self-Test) / LBIST (Logic Built-In Self-Test) for the SBC;
· Watchdog management and program flow monitoring PFM (Process Flow Monitoring at E-GAS L3 level);
· Development of FSP (Fault Signaling Protocol) monitoring on the ERR PIN (combining with ZhiCong Safety Library series products);
· External safety shut-off path for the SBC and peripheral drivers for entering the Safe State.
ZC Technology has adapted and developed for all models in the Infineon TLF35584 series:
ZC.MuNiu functional safety SBC, the Infineon TLF35584 product, can be applied to automotive controllers that require various functional safety levels.
For example:
Advanced Driver Assistance System Controller (ADAS)
Ø Gateway
Intelligent Gateway Controller (Gateway)
Ø iBooster
Intelligent Braking System (iBooster)
Ø ESC/Onebox
Electronic Stability Control (ESC/Onebox)
Electric Power Steering (EPS)
Electronic Parking Brake System (EPB)
Battery management system
Body Control Module (BCM)
Engine Management System (EMS)
Ø Chassis Domain Control System Applications
This safety manual is written for experienced hardware, software, and functional safety engineers, designed according to ISO 26262, and refers to the E-GAS three-layer architecture theory for safety-related systems, considering the integration of TLF35584 into the customer's application product (sub)system. Our software integration engineers can provide support and ensure that the TLF35584Lib is suitable for the integration services of the chosen application, complies with the appropriate application standards, and assists in achieving the ISO26262 ASIL-D level requirements.
ZC Technology adheres to the development of the TLF35584Lib with full coverage of the requirements of each module as specified in the Infineon manual.
Click to download the product manual