ZC can provide customers with Vector embedded software configuration integration services, including MICROSAR configuration integration, FBL configuration integration, and CANbedded configuration integration services.
ZC can implement two-stage configuration integration services based on customer needs. The service phase includes: Demo environment construction and customer demand engineering services.
Demo Environment Construction
This stage is based on Vector-based products. ZC helps customers complete the Demo environment construction, including basic configuration and integrated engineering development. The purpose of this stage is to allow customers to build a software development environment as soon as possible and create an engineering baseline.
Customer Demand Engineering Services
This stage is to complete the configuration and integration of Vector products based on customer needs. From the prototype stage to the mass production stage of customer products, ZC will complete configuration and integration services for all development stages based on customer needs. The purpose of this stage is to allow customers to complete basic software development as soon as possible, so that they can focus more on product development.
The ZC team has rich engineering experience in the field of automotive electronics and is very familiar with Vector products. Products such as MICROSAR, FBL, and CANbedded have been developed on multiple chip platforms and compilers. Chip manufacturers include Infineon, NXP, Renesas, etc.
The following are the platforms developed by ZC based on Vector products:
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